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COVID-19 / Re: Get Doug Ducey Out!
Last post by irb - May 04, 2020, 05:46 PM
The teleconference was posted to Youtube:

COVID-19 / Re: Free PDF of this special i...
Last post by irb - Apr 29, 2020, 04:59 PM
I've sent it to a number of people, Officials and regular Citizens; it was a few weeks ago though so I don't have an exact list.
COVID-19 / Re: Get Doug Ducey Out!
Last post by irb - Apr 29, 2020, 04:57 PM
The Wife and I were just talking about this. Maybe we can mention it to Rep. Biggs during the next teleconference? I personally know a few business that won't survive that long.

Edit: I have a Men's Group meeting with our Church tomorrow night, so I can't make the telecon (on the assumption that it's Tomorrow evening).
COVID-19 / Re: Free PDF of this special i...
Last post by Matthew - Apr 29, 2020, 04:52 PM
Has there been any concerted effort to get this PDF to influencers in the community? If not, let's make a list of people we can forward this information.
COVID-19 / Get Doug Ducey Out!
Last post by Matthew - Apr 29, 2020, 04:49 PM
The latest from Doug Ducey
Ducey is not eligible to run for re-election due to term limits in the Arizona Constitution. What else could be done to get his bozo out of office before November 2022?
COVID-19 / Free PDF of this special issue...
Last post by irb - Apr 03, 2020, 02:44 PM

The JBS is offering this special COVID-19 Chinavirus issue of The New American for free as a PDF -- get it here!
COVID-19 / The True Costs of the Wuhan Co...
Last post by irb - Mar 31, 2020, 01:31 PM
Another great JBS video on the true cost of big government responses to the Chinese plague:

COVID-19 / New American interview w/ Dr. ...
Last post by irb - Mar 31, 2020, 10:05 AM
The New American's Christian Gomez interviews M.I.T. PhD scientist and candidate for U.S Senate in Massachusetts Dr. V.A. Shiva Ayyadurai about the Coronavirus COVID-19 that originated in Wuhan, China. Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai explains the nature of the COVID-19 virus and ways to combat it by boosting one's immune system.

Dr. Shiva interview concerning COVID-19
COVID-19 / Video conferencing
Last post by irb - Mar 29, 2020, 01:01 PM
Since a number of people are working from home now, I thought I'd share a link to a free (as in speech, as well as without cost) video conferencing platform I recently discovered:


I'm not associated with this project and haven't used it extensively, but it does make me curious what others are doing to stay in touch? Our church is using zoom and I've set up a couple google meetings, and I have an IRC server and a messaging server running.

I'd also be interested in recommendations for video cameras / webcams useful for meetings, since I only have a fancy mic.
COVID-19 / Re: corona virus
Last post by irb - Mar 20, 2020, 04:39 PM
JBS action alert: Stop the Stimulus Bailout!

It seems from his teleconference yesterday that Mr. Biggs at least doesn't outright oppose this. I was very glad to see this email come through, as this is wildly unconstitutional. Please join me in opposing this Government overreach.